ACA Signups DipThe Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Administrator announced Tuesday that 11.8 million people signed up for 2018 plans on the Affordable Care Act marketplace. The total is roughly 400,000 fewer than last year, a much smaller number than predicted before the enrollment period began in November.Enrollment Data Includes:– Of all signups, 27 percent were new enrollees.- The average premium for those signing up on the federal exchange before tax subsidies were applied was $621 compared to $476 for 2017.- Of all enrollees, 7 percent chose gold plans, 29 percent chose bronze plans, and 63 percent chose silver plans.- A majority, 83 percent, of enrollees qualified for tax subsidies.The federal exchange saw a reduction in signups, and states with their own marketplaces remained equal to last year’s, according to the report.Source: Health Reform News – 4-5-18

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