American Health Care Act Draft UnveiledOn June 22, 2017, Senate Republicans unveiled a draft version of their healthcare reform bill “H.R. 1628” designed to:- Cuts Medicaid- Ends penalties for people not buying insurance- Reshapes subsidies to low-income usersThe 142-page draft bill could go to a vote as early as this week. The new Plan Would:- Prohibit states from opting out of key protections for patients with preexisting conditions, eliminates much of former President Obama’s signature health care legislation.- Repeal tax increases the ACA imposed on higher-income people and medical industry companies to pay for expanded coverage.- End the tax penalty the ACA statute imposes on people who don’t buy insurance – in effect, ending the so-called individual mandate.- Includes $15 billion a year in market-stabilizing funds over the next two years and $10 billion a year in 2020 and 2021. These payments would come in addition to cost-sharing subsidy payments, which would be extended through 2019.- Provide $62 billion allocated over eight years to a state innovation fund, which can be used for coverage for high-risk patients, reinsurance and other items.- Phase out ACA Medicaid expansion over three years, starting in 2021.The 142-page bill – will likely be subject to revisions. The full Senate will more than likely vote on the measure this week.

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