By Craig SeagerChannel Director for EMEA/APACIn my first Channel-focused blog post we discussed how important we view our Asure Software relationship with our Channel partners.Now I want to share our view of how the business world is evolving and the benefits we see Software as a Service (the Cloud) helping organizations large and small.One of the most important IT trends around the world involves the proliferation of cloud-based services. It’s hard to ignore adoption rates as companies move to the Cloud. These organizations have realized they simply can’t function with traditional, on-premise, software and systems. Why? Because the workforce is becoming more and more mobile every day!

Let’s examine the mega trends impacting organizations right now that are creating this push for Cloud-based solutions.

  1. Most businesses now view themselves as global. Doing business anywhere – in any country – is possible for businesses small, medium and large.
  2. There is a skilled labor shortage. Baby boomers are retiring at a rate of 10,000 people per day. Finding skilled people to replace experienced employees is difficult. Companies must broaden their search for employees and hire skilled people no matter where they’re located.
  3. The recession is over and companies are emerging from the darkness. Following the holding pattern of conserving cash, operating with fewer employees, and not growing the business, organizations are now investing in growth efforts. But to succeed, these business leaders must adopt to a new way of thinking.
  4. Agile organizations will succeed while those unable to flex to a more global and mobile way of thinking will struggle to keep up with its more progressive competitors.
  5. Global economics – what’s happening in the United States and Asia – impacts Europe and vice versa. As traditional growth countries stabilize their economies and begin to expand commerce once again, other countries must follow or be left behind.

How can organizations adapt and succeed as the business climate evolves?

Of course technology will remain at the forefront of progressive organizations that want to be around for the long-term. Many businesses have already adopted Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies to lower costs and keep employees engaged. BYOD encourages and accommodates employee use of their own laptops, smart phones and tablet computers.Business leaders must also think about how their employees work today (on the road as mobile workers, from home as telecommuters, etc.). New European legislation now says if an employee works more than 16 hours per week, the company must offer that individual the agility to work from home. This simply means that enabling the employee to access the business tools and systems they need is ever more important.In the US President Obama has recently held the first ever summit on working families, and how the US government needs to embrace and support new working practices to drive these initiatives. He quoted the fact that “studies show that flexibility makes workers happier and helps companies lower turnover and raise productivity”. As more companies start to adopt these working practices, the tools and solution they use is critical to ensuring the success and well-being of its most valued asset – its staff.Our Channel partners can always rely on Asure Software to assist with the needs of organizations no matter the size. Our software and hardware is designed to help them adjust and adopt to today’s new workplace and workforce. We have the tools to enable organizations to evolve and become more global, mobile and high-tech as they position themselves for success.Whether a business needs to gain efficiencies with its existing real estate footprint through data gathering and analytics of office utilization; reduce energy costs; accommodate the workforce with hot-desking capabilities; provide employees with the ability to schedule meeting rooms anytime, anywhere; or convert to innovative time and labor management solutions, Asure Software has the answer.Your success as a Channel provider depends on working with partners who understand not just the current trends, but the continuing way in which the workplace is going to evolve, and have the solutions to support this. That is why I believe Asure is perfectly suited to working with you.

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