Looking to Deliver Value From Your Experience at SHRM?

The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Annual Conference and Exposition offers a number of attractions for attendees: free stuff, a glimpse at the latest workplace amenities, time away from the office, networking opportunities, and—most importantly—the chance to discuss your biggest challenges at the peer level with other HCM professionals. But in the days or weeks when you return back to the office, people inevitably start asking questions like “how did it go?” “what did you learn?” and “was it worth it?” You want to have a good answer—a new idea or initiative you learned about at the conference that you can put your name on within your company.  No doubt you found genuine value from your experience at SHRM—and are excited to demonstrate that to colleagues when you return to the office.If that last vendor hospitality hour left things a bit fuzzy for you, we’d like to refresh your memory by sharing what the Asure Software team learned from this year’s event.

It’s Time for HR to Look Beyond Standard Requirements and HCM Software

At a conference like SHRM, conventional HR and HCM solutions—employee scheduling, benefits administration, etc.—tend to dominate the exhibition space. But in today’s fast-paced business world, the HCM function encompasses an ever-growing number of responsibilities related to work-life integration.Everything from beverage-service amenities to on-site childcare and wellness facilities is being consolidated under the HCM umbrella as companies seek to differentiate themselves from other employers and retain a talented, successful workforce. Consolidating everything employees need in a single-vendor solution is a key trend in the industry. HCM software providers worldwide are pursuing strategies to broaden their offering through mergers, acquisitions, and in-house development.HR has historically focused on a much more narrow range of duties: primarily planning and tracking the “who” and “when” with employee scheduling software—but in an increasingly mobile world of work, it’s become essential for HCM to also address the question of “where?” Workspace planning and management is not only more important, it’s also more complicated than ever. The rise of the mobile professional may be empowering employees, but it’s created a whole new set of challenges for HCM.At SHRM ’17, Asure Software found that conference attendees were drawn to our data-driven workplace management solutions. For example, displaying images of Asure’s comprehensive SmartView solution caught the attention of many exhibition hall visitors who might have walked right past otherwise. This unique approach to visualizing and analyzing workspace utilization cut through the noise in a crowded marketplace of ideas because it offered something that many HCM professionals haven’t had the chance to experience before. A new way to look at the use of space in your organization could be exactly the type of “big idea” that every attendee hopes to bring back from an event like SHRM—especially when optimizing your real estate footprint can deliver savings or free up space for enticing new amenities.If you missed Asure Software at SHRM, be sure to catch us at one of the other upcoming HCM conferences we’ll be attending. 

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