Wellness Programs aren’t just for the 500+ employee companies anymore.  Regardless of the size of your staff, an employee’s health and well-being impacts your organization’s productivity and bottom line. 

Let’s take a look at some of the latest information:

Facts about Full-Times

 Expanding Obesity

 *Sources: HR Magazine, HR Executive, Gallup-Healthways Wellbeing Index

It’s easy for smaller companies to think I don’t have the time or budget to worry about employee wellness.  As listed in the chart above, 86% of full-time employees are above-normal weight and have at least one chronic condition.  Chances are high that some of your employees are included. 

For a cost, there are multiple choices of companies who will manage a wellness program for you.  According to the Small Business Wellness Initiative (www.sbwi.org), every $1 invested in health promotion saves a company $3 – $5 in health and safety costs. 

No room in the budget right now?  Think about small changes you can make, one step at time.  Encourage employees to take a 5-minute stretch break each day, or post the benefits of drinking water in your break room.  What incentives can you offer?  Often smaller employers can be more flexible with time more than monetary gifts.  How about offering employees a longer lunch break if they choose to use it to exercise?  Or allowing flexible schedules so they can complete workouts prior to coming to work? 

Wellness Programs don’t have to be costly or time consuming.  Small, creative efforts today can help improve employee well-being  loyalty to your organization, and business productivity.  Healthy and productive employees are key to your success. 

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