
If you are a payroll provider who owns your business, picture yourself semi-retired – still enjoying all of the perks of owning a business and keeping intellectually active, but with less work and more time to take restorative vacations. Are you ready to unload some responsibilities to make this a reality?

While working has its benefits, a host of studies report that vacations are also good for your health. In addition, those who take vacations are often more productive when they return to work. Being a work martyr can lead to stress and burnout. Yet, it’s a common hazard among business owners. There often isn’t time when you are busy running your business.

Part-time retirement can be the perfect compromise. You can take that dream vacation to South Pacific, Paris or the Swiss Alps and return refreshed and renewed. Instead of trying to do it all, consider a more flexible arrangement. Outsource a portion of your payroll tax obligations by putting the professionals at Payroll Tax Management to work for you with our FlexTax software that can be private-labeled with your brand.

Most Small Business Owners Plan to Skip Retirement

More than half of small business owners have a retirement plan that is simply never to retire. There are good reasons to consider keeping your day job. Staying intellectually, socially and physically active is known to ward off dementia, fight obesity and reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease.

With the increase in life-expectancy, many see no reason to experience decades of leisure time: 53% of the small business owners surveyed by the Wells Fargo/Gallup Small Business Index say they will continue working through retirement for reasons not related to money. Only one in four said they would retire completely.

Semi-retirement can be a smart move for overall health and productivity. A growing body of research suggests that working longer may be good for you.

Take Payroll Taxes Off Your To-Do List

But how do you go about enjoying the fruits of your labor and your successful business without giving it all up? Payroll Tax Management can help.

Outsourcing your payroll tax obligations can be a big time-saver. It can also save you worry. At Asure, we make the tax deposits, file the returns, prepare quarter end packages and annual returns and ensure that your company is in full compliance with tax laws, even if you are juggling complicated multistate compliance obligations.

With FlexTax, outsourcing part of your payroll tax obligations can be a big time-saver. It can also save you worry. Behind the scenes, we make the tax deposits, file the returns, prepare quarter-end packages, and annual returns and ensure that your company is in full compliance with tax laws – especially if you are juggling complicated multistate compliance obligations.

Innovators in the industry since 1969, Asure takes the hassle out of payroll tax processing, providing you with time you can put to better use. Contact us today and start planning a little time off.

Contact us to learn more about working a little less with FlexTax

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