By Jennifer Roth, Vice President of MarketingIn recent weeks, I’ve blogged here, here and here about the trends of globalization, mobilization and technology. When thinking about today’s workforce and your own workspace, you must have your eye on all three because they impact each other in more ways than you can imagine.To close out this series of blog posts I’ll highlight some of the ways each trend touches you as a leader – and help identify what you can do to maximize your workforce and workspace efforts to create a great organization!Read More About Jen

Think Globalization, Mobilization, and Technology


Even if you don’t do business in other countries, you should start thinking globally. HR leaders can recruit top talent from outside of the typical boundaries; IT leaders can create new strategies to lower IT costs within their organization.Succeeding at a “global” level, means you must:

  • Lower the cost of labor and increase revenue. Move jobs where the skilled people live and leverage technology to conduct day-to-day business at lower cost.
  • Collaborate in diverse settings. Tap the strengths of your diverse workforce. Solve problems quickly with the right set of tools and resources.
  • Innovate with the big picture in mind. Improve your company’s products and services by using in-region experts to help create solutions that better fit customer needs.


The stats tell the mobilization story:

  • Telecommuting increased 73% from 2005 – 2011.
  • 1.3 billion workers will be mobile by 2015.
  • Each day employees spend a higher percentage of their time working away from the office than they do in their office or cubicle.

What are you doing to accommodate the needs of today’s mobile worker?

Step 1: Examine your workplace carefully. Individually assigned workspaces, like offices and cubicles, are a thing of the past. A look at your office real estate could unveil a goldmine of savings.Step 2: Implement effective resource scheduling and meeting room management software to accommodate employees’ needs to reserve workspace, meet and collaborate. Cloud-based solutions can be used to help track employees and optimize office space.


Every IT leader I meet agrees: IT strategy must consider how to accommodate the technological demands of employees. This means more flexibility and choice in the devices people can use at work.The Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) movement is a groundswell for many organizations because leaders know the cost-savings associated with such a strategy. In addition, BYOD makes employees even more mobile and empowered to work and conduct business when and where they need to. possible.The adoption rate of corporate BYOD strategies won’t slow any time soon. Organizations can save money and enhance employee loyalty and longevity with an effective BYOD technology strategy in place.

Asure Solutions for a global, mobile, tech-focused world

Asure Software customers are leveraging many tools that allow for globalization, mobilization and technology designed to enhance both the workforce and workplace.Cloud-based, Software as a Service workspace management solutions and mobile time tracking applications allow organizations to track and manage the workforce wherever employees happen to be.Space utilization and measurement tools allow organizations to determine what their true real estate needs are. Facility leaders are using sensors to reallocate workspace and reduce real estate costs.Mobile, geo-spatial time and attendance solutions from AsureForce and our mobile resource scheduling capabilities from AsureSpace allow employees to punch in and out or schedule hotel workspaces and even conference rooms from their mobile device.If you think your organization can leverage some of our tools to help you on the globalization, mobilization and technology bandwagons, we would be happy to talk with you.

About Jen

Jennifer Roth, Vice President of MarketingJennifer Roth joined Asure Software in 2012 and provides the company with 20 years of marketing, communications, branding, product marketing, product management and executive communication and leadership expertise. Previously, Jennifer served as founder of JKR Consulting Inc., where she specialized in creating end-to-end marketing strategies for global companies. She also held marketing roles at Ceridian, CIGNA Behavioral Health and United Health Group. Jennifer has an MBA from St. Thomas University, St. Paul, Minn., and a BA from the College of St. Benedict, St. Joseph, Minn. She is a member of the American Marketing Association.

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