Competition for top talent is forcing employers looking for “the best and the brightest” to seek them out wherever they are, not just where the company might be located. As that becomes more prevalent, it’s incumbent upon employers to leverage every potential avenue for retaining top talent and keeping them engaged in their work. One of the best ways to do that is to allow them to be more fully enabled in the management of the every-day tasks and details of performing their work and managing their employee details. This makes the systems that companies use to do this a critical business consideration.

Company Culture Matters

Most businesses rarely make HCM systems vendor decisions with employee engagement and convenience in mind. Here at Asure, we know that the HR office folks are the keepers of the corporate culture—it’s created at the top, but it lives in the HR office. It’s through the administration office that there’s direct contact with employees at every facet of their relationship with the company. Where the rubber meets the road, if you will. As such, the administration functions—both systems and personnel—are important factors for employee retention and engagement. In fact, a 2015 Forbes survey states that employees who give their work culture low marks are nearly 15 percent more likely to consider a new job than their counterparts.It’s critical for employers to use every available avenue for employee engagement. And that includes the way the employee manages their information, benefits, taxation, retirement saving, remote work, and even performance reviews. The best answer is an administration systems approach that is employee-centered rather than employer-centered. One way to look at these systems through the eyes of your employees is to ask: How many different systems must my employees engage in order to do all the HR functions we have in place? Are those systems connected to each other, or do we have employees entering the same data in more than one place, for essentially the same functions? Are we lacking any critical services in our HR management? A full-featured suite of HCM tools and applications offers benefits that go beyond the administrative, and play a key role in a positive corporate culture and the engagement and retention of critical employees.

Engaging Remote Employees

Companies that recruit on a national level face unique challenges when it comes to employee engagement. A carefully cultivated company culture is often slow to reach virtual employees, and when it does, it’s a watered down version of what’s going on in the home office. Specific strategies for engagement are a must.One of the best ways for that culture to reach every employee is for the work administration functions to be inclusive of every aspect of work life, no matter the location, and no matter the particular job function. Several years ago, companies that found a need for ways to work with employees that travel or telecommute were faced with a lack of visibility and technological support to enable success in this area. As a result, trust between employer and employee was slow and long-term business success was a hard-won battle. Recent technological advances in this area have enabled businesses to be successful in engaging their virtual workforce.Today, the Asure platform offers modules that help develop virtual employee relationships. Our suite brings these employees into the fold and engages them just like any other employee—whether on-site or not. The result is trust in the employer-employee relationship, a successful work environment, and solid business results.

The New People Success Platform

Employees are no longer tethered to a specific workstation or location. That’s what it takes for businesses to compete today, and that’s how we’ve built our People Success Platform. Effective workflow brings efficiencies, and efficiency contributes directly to the bottom line for any business.Do your HR systems engage all employees, no matter where they are? We think a new approach to HCM is critical to the way companies compete for employees, no matter where they are. Our comprehensive People Success Platform engages and enables employees to make decisions on their own behalf, within the framework you set. Our platform allows you to recruit, engage, and retain the best talent possible, no matter where they are.

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