For Abby Walker, Solving Customers’ Problems isn’t a Job, It’s a Calling

Abby Walker, a helpful voice on the phone for many Savers Admin clients, feels that helping is more than a job. For her, she said, it’s a calling.

“I really do like being able to solve problems,” she remarked. “I enjoy listening to what’s going on, and then finding a fix.

“I also enjoy getting to know our clients – knowing who’s getting married, who’s having grandchildren. I feel invested in their lives, even if I’ve never met them in person.

“And making people happy – getting their paycheck to them and putting food on their table – isn’t bad, either.”

Abby, 27, learned the ins and outs of payroll four years ago as a new employee at Savers Admin, and she enjoys passing that knowledge on. When a client is adjusting to a new system or training a new payroll supervisor, Abby will coach them.

“I’ve driven to Asheville and I’ve had people come here. We’ll walk them through the whole thing and then double-check behind them. Not a lot of other [payroll processors] will provide that personal attention.”

Recently a client had an employee distraught over the taxes she owed at the end of the year, a result of under-withholding. “A lot of times people don’t understand the tax forms,” Abby explained. “They’re five pages long. The client’s payroll person didn’t really understand it either, so she phoned me while the employee was in her office. I was able to explain the process to both of them and help make an adjustment to solve the employee’s problem.”

Abby is also proud of the flexibility that she and Savers Admin provide. “If we’re here after five to explain a process or correct an error, we’re happy to do it. A few times I’ve had to take the payroll over the phone because a payroll supervisor was in California for the birth of a grandchild or called away for a spouse in hospice.”

Abby grew up near Roanoke, Virginia, and graduated from Bridgewater College in Bridgewater, Virginia. She lives with her husband, Ryan, and their two dogs. For pleasure, she enjoys cooking, dancing, reading, movies and playing with the dogs.

“Above all,” she said, “I want clients to know we care. We care when they’re frustrated, we care when everything’s going smoothly and we care if their dog passed away. It’s a personal relationship.”

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