Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are hot topics in HR right now. The COVID-19 pandemic has ushered in a new landscape—one that includes a hybrid workforce; virtual recruitment, hiring, and onboarding; an increased focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion; and a never-ending battle to retain skilled talent by keeping them engaged and supporting their wellbeing. Businesses are increasingly leveraging AI and ML technologies to stay ahead and competitive. 

If you’d like to speak to an HR representative about how to utilize AI with your business, contact us.

Many recent surveys show that today’s business leaders recognize AI’s ability to improve key HR functions including talent acquisition, training, and development. That’s why many businesses have already adopted AI and many more plan to follow suit in the next few years. AI and ML are enabling workers to focus more time and effort on high value tasks while automating repetitive tasks. According to a recent study, 72% of business leaders said AI can enable workers to focus on meaningful work while 34% said AI can help free up time for more valuable work

Specifically for human resources functions, AI and ML solutions are strengthening recruiting and hiring processes by enabling them to target and personalize outreach to find best-fit candidates faster. Business leaders are also leveraging deeper insights to promote company values in authentic, engaging ways. According to a recent Gartner study, 17% of businesses use AI-based solutions in HR and another 30% plan to do so in 2022. Let’s take a look at the benefits of AI and machine learning technologies for human resources and the workforce. 

What is AI? What is machine learning?  

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the larger category of technologies that enable a computer using deep learning or neural networks to become capable of intelligent behavior. Machine learning (ML) is a more specific type of AI that describes a technology that completes human tasks and can sometimes even learn from the results. ML is the type of technology that applies to most human resources use cases such as applicant tracking and training. 

However, machine learning needs reliable data—and lots of it—to get the job done. Computers learn from the data and improve through experience; algorithms find patterns and trends in the data to make decisions. According to a recent Forbes contributor, “Applied correctly, meaning with the right human touch from an HR perspective, AI and in particular a subset called machine learning can support human decision making.” 

AI and machine learning will transform human capital management 

Since HR gathers a lot of data on employees, it makes the function a great place for machine learning to handle repetitive but essential HR tasks. Machine learning analyzes large volumes of employee data to identify important trends and opportunities. According to a report from IBM, HR departments are successfully leveraging AI and machine learning to

  • Solve business challenges 

  • Develop new skills 

  • Improve the employee experience 

  • Provide support for decision making 

  • Use HR budgets more efficiently 

How AI and machine learning improve recruitment 

Finding and hiring the best-fit talent for your organization requires a large investment of time and resources from your HR team. LinkedIn data shows that recruiters can spend up to 23 hours reviewing resumes for every one successful hire. Now, AI-powered solutions can streamline the resume process by automatically screening resumes for specific skills and experiences that match with your job listings. 

When used properly, machine learning technologies can save time by using predictive analysis to make the recruitment process more reliable and accurate. It helps speed up the process and eliminate human bias that could interfere with your company’s ability to recruit and hire skilled candidates. 

AI and machine learning solutions do more than just help HR save time. To attract the best talent, HR must deliver great employee and candidate experiences. According to a recent article in HR Executive, here’s how AI and machine learning strengthen your process

  • Make help available 24/7. Chatbots simulate person-to-person conversations and are available anytime, anywhere, and on any device. Chatbots provide immediate responses to candidates or employees who have pressing hiring questions or concerns about benefits. 

  • Automate workflow. AI solutions support your workforce by automating transactional or repetitive work. Automated workflow ensures time-consuming tasks like scheduling interviews are completed, follow-up notes are sent, and training certifications are kept up-to-date. 

  • Send personalized communications. People have become accustomed to personalized experiences and fast response times in their daily lives. They expect it from their employers too. That’s why more businesses are using AI to deliver real-time access to HR resources, provide alerts, and deliver personalized training experiences and career path recommendations. 

How AI can improve retention and employee engagement 

Retaining talent is also an essential function of HR, and it’s important to the health and success of your business. HR can use AI solutions to better predict, understand, and manage attrition rates with valuable insights into the reasons behind staff turnover. 

Machine learning is also proving to be valuable to businesses as they train new hires and existing staff. As organizations provide upskilling and advancement opportunities to their workforce, these technologies help guide and assist HR staff to identify individual skills needs as they embolden their workforce to be agile and future ready. Additionally, training can be customized so that employees learn at their own pace, based on individual needs making
the need for traditional one-size-fits-all sessions obsolete. 

Future-proof your workforce 

A recent HR Executive article concludes, “Successful adoption of AI enables HR teams to spend more time on the ‘human’ part of human resources—listening to employees’ voices and supporting their wellbeing—a winning situation for everyone.” If you’d like to learn how AI solutions can help support your workforce, Asure offers software and HR services, including fully certified HR professionals, to help with need assessments, employee engagement programs, training and development, and more. With a team of HR experts on your side, you’ll have access to the resources and manpower needed to successfully build a personalized employee experience that attracts and retains the talent you need to grow your business. 

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