By Craig SeagerChannel Director for EMEA/APAC

The Ever-Changing Global Enterprise Is Ripe for Asure Software Solutions

A recent report by IDC listed Alignment, Agility and Analytics as three of the key corporate challenges in 2014.These challenges and the current market trends of mobilization, globalization and technology are at the forefront of our thinking when developing solutions.Business leaders are struggling to keep up with the fast-paced changes their organizations face on a daily basis:

  • Employees are more mobile than ever before.
  • The days of the 9 – 5 worker no longer exist.
  • Millennial’s want to embrace technology to help them interact and work more efficiently.
  • Productivity is now measured in output, rather than input.
  • Old processes and standards of doing business don’t work in our high-tech world.

Asure is responding to these demands with best-in-class time and space solutions designed to help businesses adapt and grow without wasting financial resources. Whether you’re thinking about Asure Software’s Time & Labor Management solutions (AsureForce) or our resource scheduling and agile workplace solutions (AsureSpace) you’ll find ours are the most complete solutions designed to meet your needs.Everything we do sits in the Cloud, making our platform completely agnostic to the hardware. Asure delivers software that can be easily and fully integrated as a workplace management solution.

Latest Innovative Market Solutions

For fuller details on our Asure Software solutions, please peruse our website, but I do want to touch on two recent product endeavors that we feel will further enhance our solution offering and our leading edge, innovative technology.

AsureSpace NowSpace Mobile App

Our new mobile app is designed with the mobile worker in mind. Its intuitive, user-friendly interface lets individuals streamline resource scheduling, check-in/check-out via location awareness, view room schedules and availability, easily find co-workers, and view work schedules. NowSpace also includes native navigation, swipe and large touch targets. Plus, it provides optimized search results, based on historical usage and preferences, as well as location-based filtering. With NowSpace, employees get all the scheduling functions of a desktop on their mobile device.

AsureForce Air Clock

Our new Air Clock solution is the only system available that uses facial recognition to capture employee time data. By deploying our state-of-the-art touch panels and software, organizations can capture employee punches with dual authentication – PIN entry and facial recognition. Plus, the software is cloud-based for convenience.These are just two examples of solutions Asure Software has developed to help answer the changing demands of organizations as they grow.Asure offers the only technology solutions in the world that bring people, time and space together.As IT, FM & HR departments continue to collaborate to deliver changes to the modern workplace, technology will positively help change the dynamics of facilities and human resources.With these key departments evolving, cutting-edge solutions will continue to reduce costs, increase productivity and enhance all organization’s way of doing business.We feel that Asure can help you. Let our solutions and service become a key component as you help clients develop and grow their organizations.

Unlock your growth potential

Talk with one of experts to explore how Asure can help you reduce administrative burdens and focus on growth.

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