EEO-1: Who Must FileStandard Form 100 (EEO-1) must be filed by –All private employers who are:subject to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (as amended by the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972) with 100 or more employees EXCLUDING State and local governments, primary and secondary school systems, institutions of higher education, Indian tribes and tax-exempt private membership clubs other than labor organizations;ORsubject to Title VII who have fewer than 100 employees if the company is owned or affiliated with another company, or there is centralized ownership, control or management (such as central control of personnel policies and labor relations) so that the group legally constitutes a single enterprise, and the entire enterprise employs a total of 100 or more employees.All federal contractors (private employers), who:are not exempt as provided for by 41 CFR 60-1.5,have 50 or more employees, andare prime contractors or first-tier subcontractors, and have a contract, subcontract, or purchase order amounting to $50,000 or more; orserve as a depository of Government funds in any amount, oris a financial institution which is an issuing and paying agent for U.S. Savings Bonds and Notes.Only those establishments located in the District of Columbia and the 50 states are required to submit Standard Form 100. No reports should be filed for establishments in Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands or other American Protectorates.
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