In the past we have looked at telework legislation in the US in the form of the Telework Enhancement Act, but the next great piece of telework legislation looks to be coming out of the UK.

Amendment to Flexible Work Regulations

On June 30, 2014 the Flexible Work Regulations in the UK will be amended to give the right to request flexible working to all employees who have reached 26 weeks of service. In the past such a right was only extended to parents with children under the age of 17 who worked in certain careers.With this type of legislation swiftly approaching the question becomes, “Is your organization ready to support a more agile workforce, and increased flexible work?”The Acas has provided the following key points of the Flexible Work Regulations:

  • Employees must have 26 weeks continuous employment at the date the application is made.
  • Employers have statutory duty to consider applications.
  • Once agreed it becomes a permanent change to the contract of employment.
  • An employee has the right to appeal if necessary against the outcome.
  • Negotiate an agreement if requested hours are not possible.
  • Only one application can be made in a 12 months period.

In additiion to these key points, Acas also provides training on how to handle employees’ flexible work requests.At Asure Software, we help employers and employees create an effective and efficient environment for flexible work through efficient scheduling, workspace management, and and time and labor management for mobile workers. In the video below, you can see how Asure Software was able to assist Scottish Water manage an efficient and effective flexible work program with Workspace Manager. Scottish Water’s hot desking proogram not only created more flexibility and agility for their employees, but also helped Scottish water reduce their costs by reducing their number of desks by 25%!

Manage Flexible Work Requests

If you’re looking for assistance in managing flexible work requests, let us show you how we can help support a flexible work program at your company. Contact us today!

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