Michelle Kingery is Savers Admin’s payroll services director, but she’s known around the office as the tax specialist.

She’s the one who files the quarterly and yearly tax statements and she’s the one who’ll research and resolve any notice you receive from state or federal tax authorities.

Nearly anything – or nothing – can draw a notice, she explained. For example, the state of Georgia recently sent notices of late filing to employers who’d filed on time. “We got them to admit they were wrong. This has happened with the IRS, as well.”

Notices typically concern late filings, non-filings or over- or under- payments. “Mostly,” she said, “they’re due to a last-minute adjustment in payroll initiated by a client, or from a client’s termination of withholding in a certain state.

Suppose you’ve been withholding state tax for an employee in Kentucky, but that employee moves or quits and you’re no longer withholding Kentucky tax. If you don’t close your account or file a zero return, they’ll send you a notice.”

The thing to remember, Kingery emphasized, is that if you receive a notice, call Savers Admin. “We’ll help you get it resolved.”

And that’s what she enjoys, she continued. “I love problem resolution – figuring it out, bringing it into balance.

“I love entering a new client and making it work at the end of the day. And I enjoy making clients happy. I enjoy my relationships with our clients. They’re my friends.”

Kingery has worked in payroll for 28 years, the last 7-1/2 of them at Savers Admin. In her spare time, she loves spending time with “my grandbabies,” three boys and two girls, spanning 7 months to 13 years in age.

She added, “I love working for Savers Admin. We’re a family and we focus on customer service. When we’re not perfect, it bothers us and we’ll do whatever it takes to fix it.”

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