<Notices Due October 1, 2013 – Affects all EmployersContent

All employers are required to provide “Notice” to their employees about MarketPlace Exchanges available either through their state or provided through a federal exchange. Even if a company does not provide healthcare coverage to its employee, all companies are still required to provide notice of the exchanges to all of their employees. Marketplace exchanges allow employees to comparison shop and purchase health insurance which may be deemed to be more affordable coverage than what is provided by their employer. The Patient Protection Affordable Care Act, (PPAC) Notices must be sent out by October 1, 2013 to all employees.

People without coverage, or people whose coverage is too expensive, can go to the Marketplaces and find coverage. Certain income brackets may qualify for tax breaks or subsidies. Other income levels may qualify for tax credits against premium costs. Use the websites above to see how PPACA may help.

Notices inform employees that open enrollment for the exchanges begins October 1st and explains how employees can access exchanges to obtain insurance quotes. Employers need to ensure that all employees receive notice to the extent that is reasonably possible to do so. Sending a blanket notice to all employees or placing notices in a stack for pick up somewhere in your office is not sufficient. It is highly suggested that employers retain documentation that employees received provided notices.

If you want information on the coverages offered under the Federal Marketplace, visit: FEDERAL HEALTH CARE MARKETPLACE


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